Our Race to Zero
Climbing Trees are now one of 1,300 companies committed to achieving net zero by 2030. As part of the B Corp Climate Collective, which is a member organisation of the UNFCCC’s Race to Zero campaign, our aim is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to reach a net zero future, 20 years ahead of the 2050 target set in the Paris Agreement.
2050 is the very latest scientists have stated the world can reach a state of net zero carbon emissions to limit the worst effects of climate change. We want to do better.
Sustainability has always been core to Climbing Trees, but we are now on a mission to create a greener future and joining the B Corp Climate Collective is part of that.
In addition to this ongoing commitment, we have also pledged to plant 1 million trees by 2030 to offset our emissions. This is in addition to the 43k we have already planted via our Ecologi partnership.
If you are interested in taking part or want to learn more Both B Corp Climate Collective and the UNFCC Race to Zero have created this toolkit, “Get Net Zero Right additionally they have included insights into critical topics such as emissions scopes, offsetting, interim targets and immediate action plans.
Head over to our blog which often features articles on how to deliver more ethical digital marketing campaigns or how you too can build a greener business.
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