Digital Marketing in the Construction Industry

Digital Marketing Construction Industry
Published on December 2, 2021 by Joshua Hearn
Construction Industry groups often maintain content-heavy platforms where SEO and PPC campaigns have a huge role to play.

So how can marketers in the construction industry build a successful foundation for a high-performance digital marketing campaign, that will drive traffic and speak to multiple audiences

1. Segment Your Audiences

Consider who you are trying to reach and why. Tier 1 construction companies typically have a broad audience: talent, clients, sub-contractors, investors, architects, regulatory bodies, and local government are just a few examples.  

Targeting information toward the people and groups to whom it is most relevant allows you to increase the effectiveness of your PPC and SEO campaigns—and make the most efficient use of your resources.

Create personas and build a plan for each one.
A persona is a hypothetical character that embodies the essential characteristics of a specific subset of your target market. 

Personas are a valuable digital marketing tool for construction groups that use their sites to communicate with varied audiences with different goals and objectives. Consider the key characteristics of each target group—and the information that they are likely to seek out.

Construction Industry Personas

2. Audit Your Content

Now that you have defined who you want to speak to, it’s time to audit and refine your existing content.

Align content with the market base it is most likely to speak to.
Some ads or content may have multiple target audiences, and some may only appeal to specialised segments. Existing content and campaigns may need to be modified or streamlined to better align with your new marketing personas.

Consider what you need to add.
Once you have all your current content in order, think about what is missing. Consider the distinctive needs of each target market. Is all the right information available to them? There may also be legacy content that can be archived to avoid confusion and create a heavy website.

3. Enhance Your Discoverability

SEO maintenance is essential for large-scale sites serving several distinct market subsets. At the same time, regional-based contractors need to invest in ongoing SEO marketing strategies to effectively compete with larger construction firms and other local players.

Advantages of a streamlined SEO strategy.
SEO optimisation is about more than your search engine rankings—although this is vital to driving traffic to your site. Crafting a cohesive long-term SEO optimisation and maintenance strategy will ensure long-term gains that contractors need to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Investing in strategies like link building, keyword optimisation, social media integration, and content optimisation will boost your brand awareness, establish your market authority, and improve your overall user experience—all of which translate to increased revenue in the long term.

The pillars of search engine ranking success.
The key to crafting a successful SEO strategy is creating valuable content for each of your market personas. Your posts need to engage with each set of perspectives, concerns, and interests while maintaining a consistent and unique l brand voice and tone. 

High-quality content is vital, but it can’t stand on its own. Optimizing your site for no-click searches, creating fruitful link-building partnerships, and elevating your user experience are ongoing practices that will earn your page those much sought-after top search engine ranking positions. 

Digital Marketing Audit

4. Highlight Regional Offerings

Geolocation tools provide your audience with content that is relevant to their location. Geo-location targeting is valuable for any construction group that wants to stand out against regional building manufacturers and sub-contractors who could all be after a similar target market. Leveraging your geo-marketing strategy. Customise campaigns for high-priority geographic regions then implement location-specific keywords that will speak to your audience on a more personal level. You can also access regional social media groups and events to increase your brand awareness. Targeting regional talent. Geo-marketing tools can help your HR teams hire local talent. Bringing in local expertise will build a stronger, more robust community base and help establish new markets. Use popular LinkedIn to streamline your recruitment strategy by targeting talent based on where they live and work.

5. Tell Your Sustainable Story

All construction companies are under pressure to enforce a sustainable business model—from the building processes and materials used to the wider social impact on local communities.

Using your sustainability narrative to spread the word.
You can mobilise your content platform to give members of your target market a birds-eye view of your ethical-based practices.  Storytelling tools allow you to connect to your audience, increase transparency, and bring a cohesive brand narrative to life.

Discoverability Construction Industry

Putting Your Best Foot Forward
Here at Climbing Trees, we have the resources and expertise to create a high-performance, ethical PPC and SEO campaign that caters to the unique needs of construction groups. To prove our commitment to the highest standards of social and environmental performance, we are currently in the process of obtaining our B Corp Accreditation